Be a master – think creatively

The project „Be a Master – think creatively” in a partnership with institutions from Poland, Iceland, Spain, Portugal, Lithuania and Greece was a response to the defined needs of each of the target groups of partner institutions participating in the project: teachers, children, parents, the local environment. This allowed the jointly set goals to be achieved.
The goal that we have achieved is to increase the competence of 46 teachers of partner institutions in the area of ICT by learning innovative working methods using the basics of programming during the project implementation period.
In addition, the project objectives were:
– support for teachers in providing attractive and effective educational measures that will enable each child to develop basic skills
– preparing children to move freely and safely in the world of modern information technologies
– developing logical thinking and creativity in children
– learning a new, practical dimension of robotics, fascinating children with exact sciences
– creative use of opportunities offered by modern technologies
– integration of content from various teaching areas with English using the CLIL method
– developing children’s abilities by working on educational materials close to children, including the use of Lego Education and Robokids
– building a modern education model, educating future leaders while learning to work in a team.
– establishing international cooperation, deriving experience and knowledge from various educational systems
– Equalizing children’s educational opportunities.
The target group directly involved in the project was 155 children (on average 20-25 children from each partner institution) and 46 teachers and employees of these institutions who responded to the needs of children related to ICT competences and people willing to deepen their competences. The target group also had children from Wednesdays. disadvantaged, including disabled, immigrants, economically disadvantaged Especially for them, the project increased access to attractive methods and forms of work, and equalized educational opportunities
In order to achieve the intended results, 4 short training meetings of teachers and employees were held. During these meetings, teachers could share their experience in applying innovative methods of working with children, take part in open classes, discussions, and thematic workshops. In addition, specific meetings were carried out between the meetings at the establishments to develop the expected results and products:
– Works have been carried out, including using Lego blocks, including using simple software (robots were presented at the exhibition during the meeting summarizing the project)
– a coding play book was developed – a set of scenarios along with examples of teaching aids (posted on the Erasmus + dissemination platform)
– the author’s program „Learn to Learn – step by step” containing jointly developed educational material developing basic skills of children, including the use of Lego Education and Robokids
– sample online educational quizzes were created – posted on the eTwinning platform for general use
– stop-motion movies were created using lego blocks „Together in Europe” (posted on the project website)
– animated cards were developed – known coding learning applications were used, e.g. Scratch Junior, which were sent to all partners on the occasion of Christmas
For the efficient implementation of the project, a management group was created on the Polish side and project teams in partner facilities, which specified the roles and tasks of each partner, the goals and methods to achieve results, and methods of achieving results, which may include:
– increasing motivation to improve their skills and acquire knowledge in the field of working with a small child
– improving the quality of the educational offer of the facility
– using modern ICT technologies at work
– developing a sense of belonging to European society
– equalizing children’s educational opportunities and preventing early school leaving, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds
The implementation of the project signaled to the entire local environment in partner countries the importance of not only continuous training and improvement, but above all the importance of gaining experience in order to improve the professional competences of employees, and thus achieve high education standards. She encouraged parents to use new solutions and methods of working with children to achieve educational and educational effects and to prepare them for life in a constantly changing reality.
The school offer has been expanded to include additional activities related to innovative educational solutions.
Time-lapse movies
Lithuania1 Lithuania2
Author’s program Lern to leatn – step by step
Vilniaus savivaldybės Grigiškių l/d „Rugelis“ dalyvauja tarptautiniame Erasmus+ KA2 strateginių partnerysčių projekte Be a master – think creatively („Mąstyk kūrybiškai“). Projekto koordinatoriai − integruotas Konino (Lenkija) darželis Nr. 32. Projekto partneriai − Lietuva, Ispanija, Portugalija, Graikija, Jungtinė Karalystė, Islandija. Projekto trukmė − 2017.10.01-2019.09.31. Projekto socialiniai partneriai − Grigiškių Šviesos gimnazija.
Pirmasis darbinis susitikimas vyko Lietuvoje 2017 m. lapkričio 9-10 dienomis. Susitikimo metu buvo aptartas projekto tikslas ir uždaviniai, šalių partnerių būsimos veiklos, logotipo kūrimas,. Projekto tikslas − gerinti pedagogų kompetencijas IKT srityje, taikant novatariškus darbo metodus. Pagrindiniai uždaviniai − vaikų loginio mąstymo ir kūrybiškumo ugdymas, elementarių programavimo pagrindų Scratch junior mokymas, anglų kalbos mokymas naudojant Clil metodą, matematinių, konstravimo įgūdžių lavinimas naudajant Lego, Roborobo kids kaladėles ir priemones.
2018-ųjų balandžio 23-27 d. Nipiagogeio Drepanou (Drepano kaimo mokykloje, Graikija) vyko pirmasis mokomasis pedagogų susitikimas. Susitikime dalyvavo visų partnerių šalių atstovai, kurie pristatė atviras veiklas: mokomąją muzikos – kilimėlio, programavimo medžiagą, kodavimo žaidimus (bitutė – robotas), lego herojų. Projekto koordinatoriai pristatė projektinę užduotį tema Lego matematika, kurią reikės parengti kitam susitikimui.
Vizito metu apžiūrėjome vienintelę mokykloje esančią klasę, kurioje mokosi 17 vaikų, nuo 4-erių iki 6-erių metų. Ypatingai nustebino labai šiltas ir nuoširdus mokytojos bendravimas ne tik su vaikais, bet ir su tėvais. Įspūdį paliko pasirinktinai laisvi mokymosi metodai. Mokymosi programą sudaro pati mokyklos vadovė − mokytoja, pasitardama su miesto savivaldybės švietimo specialistais. Atvirų pamokų metu stebėjome, kaip mokytoja moko vaikus elementarių programavimo, kodavimo pagrindų, kartu integruojant muziką ir anglų kalbą.
Diskutavome apie Graikijos ir kitų projekto partnerių šalių švietimo sistemos skirtumus ir panašumus. Išsamiau su Graikijos švietimo sistema susipažinome apsilankę Patros miesto savivaldybėje, švietimo skyriuje. Vėliau kartu su Drepano mokyklos vaikais ir tėveliais aplankėme Olimpijos miestą ir muziejų, labiausiai žinomą dėl jame rengtų pirmųjų Olimpinių žaidynių. Paskutiniąją viešnagės dieną vykome į Atėnus, lankėmės Akropolio muziejuje, vėliau apžiūrėjome Atėnų Akropolio architektūrinį ansamblį.
Džiaugiamės, kad ši projektinė novatariška veikla skatina pedagogus dalytis gerąja darbo patirtimi, gilinti anglų kalbos žinias, tobulinti IKT kompetencijas, pasisemti naujų idėjų, bendrauti su kitų šalių pedagogais, pažinti skirtingų šalių kultūrą istoriją ir tradicijas.
Antrasis mokomasis Erasmus+ projekto Be a master – think creatively („Mąstyk kūrybiškai“) vizitas vyks spalio mėnesį Islandijoje.
Informaciją parengė Zita Kurkulionienė ir Živilė Jakaitienė.